Sunday, August 24, 2014

back to school

"Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight. Ohhhh, back to school. Back to school. Well, here goes nothing." - billy madison

gosh, i just love this girl! i'm feeling all sorts of feelings over here as this one is about to start school for the first time in just 8 days. how is she starting school already?! it's funny...when justin and I first started talking about having kids we both instantly agreed that we would not send our kids to school until Kindergarten. there are all sorts of thoughts of not using 4K as a daycare, we can teach her stuff at home prior to then, she's got her mom's smart genetics and I didn't start school until I was 6 and was top of my class, justin hated school and he didn't want to subject her to anymore years of school than she had to, he went to preschool and it didn't help him any {his words, not mine}, we'd miss her too much, and all sorts of other random thoughts that cross your mind before you actually have kids. BUT, this girl just craves to be around people. she is and always has been the social butterfly. she begs to go to activities to hang out with her friends and see other kids, so we decided it was best for her to start 4K with the other kids she's already been getting to know from dance, gymnastics, and the community. She is so excited about it, which makes us happy to know we're making the right decision.

so in the spirit of back to school photos, lexi and i {and liam and kita} went on this impromptu photo shoot tonight. with only 30 minutes until the sun set we bombed out to the field for a few shots. and then liam lost the ranger keys, after yelling, which i'm sure the entire country side heard me scream "liam!!!" at the top of my lungs, we finally found the keys 20 minutes later right where liam had been saying they were the whole time. we were about ready to make the 3/4 mile trek back home carrying supplies, liam, and trying to keep Kita in check dreading how i was going to tell justin knowing full well he'd scold me for sure. and not to mention he's been sick all day so i knew it wouldn't set well. but whew! found them!

this girl makes my heart swell with happiness. she cracks me up.

 missy on the right is thinking "who does this girl think she is?" to missy on the left ;)
 are we done yet?

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